Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Bountiful Harvest of 2015

Some how the fall as just flown by. Here it is already the end of October and I have neglected connecting with you and letting you know what we have been up to. In an attempt to catch you up on what the fall held for us on the farm here is a "photo story" for your enjoyment. Thanks mom for all the great photos which document our busy life.
The major event here, as it is every fall was that harvesting of the crops that have been growing all summer. We were blessed this year with rain when it was needed so the crops produced well. On the farm we are ever dependent on Mother Nature and the Lords good graces. We are so thankful that both smiled on us and we were able to have a bountiful harvest.
After the corn had been taken out of the fields it was time to get the rake and baler out to make the many corn stalk bales. These will be needed for bedding and feed for the cattle throughout the winter months. It was my job to run the rake and Paul followed with the baler. The was fun spending time with him in the field waving at him as we passed. We had to stop after the field was complete for a quick picture.
After the baling was finished it was time to pick up the bales. This required many trips back and forth to the fields. The bales were then carefully stacked for storage until needed.
Pretty an one of my favorite fall sights.
After all this time spend helping us make and pick up bales, Luke spent much time at home moving his bales. A Popsicle stick taped into his loader and a bunch of toilet paper rolls were all he needed for hours of play farming fun. Too cute.
While the men were busy out in the fields, us women spent many hours in the kitchen doing the last of our seasonal canning. We spent a big day making applesauce out of 14 pails of apples. We don't do anything small scale when it comes to canning and have gotten the process down to a science.
My sister Nancy and my daughter Rose put the hot apples through the colander to make the sauce. The little ones love to be part of the action and we make sure to find little jobs they can do to help out. I think it's important that the kids learn it can be fun to work together to get these big jobs done.  
We ended up with about 200 quarts of applesauce that day.  On a later day we made apple pie filling making about 60 quarts on that day. It sure is tasty and will be enjoyed by many.
One of my favorite summer time events is eating meals on my wrap around porch. The kids and I had to enjoy this for the last few warm days of fall. The weather had turned cold, we actually saw the first few snow flakes last evening, so I fear our outside meals have come to an end for another year. Good memories.

The fall also included working with the cattle. The cows have been brought in from pasture and put in the corn stalk field surrounding the farm. The eat the corn husks and any corn left by the combine. They will stay out there until the snow starts to fall. The market animals had to be put through the head gate and treated. It is important to keep an eye on them and make sure their vaccinations and treatments are up to date.
As you can see it has been a busy fall but that is the way we like things here on the farm. Being busy means that it was a productive growing season and we are so grateful for the bounty of blessings we have received this year.